Have you ever been so frustrated you just wanted to sock something?
(me casually raising my hand)..
That is exactly how I felt when I was flying home from a large horse auction. The frustration at having to continually witness the lack of change in the horse industry and the non existent standards for their care is maddening. It is hard for me as an animal obsessed human to just sit by and not do anything. The frustration and determination
I face daily is another level.
With that being said, I internally on this flight wanted a way to just sock people in the face with the awareness and knowledge of what actually goes on.
This is when it dawned on me, SOCKS.
So, here we are. A way to do something about it. A way to push forward for change.
A way to sock ourselves. A way to sock others.
A way to sock the people who really need to do something and take the steps forward needed to create change FOR THEM.